Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Westfield Grand Park Construction

Most people don't notice or pay much attention but Grand Park construction continues at a steady pace.  Recent activity includes burying infrastructure now so it won't have to be done later.  This includes pipes for the sewer system as well as the various water and storm water lines.

The water system is being pressure tested; equipment is being delivered; and more erosion control fencing is being installed along Cool Creek.  Much of the storm water infrastructure will be installed this week, weather permitting.

This activity is important.  It signals to would-be private investors that Westfield means business when it comes to Grand Park.  This is much more than just another plan gathering dust on a shelf.  Grand Park will become reality very soon.  

The pace of economic development will soon quicken.  Main Street, the senior living facility, which was the first piece of economic development to land next door to Grand Park has filed plans with the City Community Development Department for their building.  I truly believe that economic development around Grand Park will snowball.  I understand that there are some very real possibilities that will be announced soon.

If you get a chance, drive by the site and take a look at what's happening for yourself.  Just drive north on US 31 and turn left on 196th Street.  Keep going west on 196th Street and when you pass Tomlinson Road, you'll see the Grand Park site on your left stretching all the way to Springmill Road.  Just don't get off the road or you'll get stuck in the mud!

Ken Kingshill
Westfield, Indiana



Curt whitesell said...

Great write up ken

Mike Kearns said...

Thanks Ken

Tracy P. said...

I wanted to comment, that I think it would make a lot of financial sense for there to be some sort of equine venue (a la outdoor arena at Ham.Co.Fairgrounds) on the Grand Park property. Hamilton Co. is a big equine county, and equestrian afficionados don't hesitate to spend money...just look at the Hoosier Horse Fair next month. I would venture to guess that per person spending in the horse world is higher than in the little-league world! (No offense intended.) So if they are still seeking "buy-ins", they might think about that.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the suggestion, Tracy. I'll pass it on to the powers that be. I don't know if the Sports Commission considered equine sports when they were analyzing which sports to include. If a private equine group wanted to build a facility nearby the Sports Complex, that would likely not be turned away.

Jeannette Ross said...

Just wondering when the trailer park will disappear?

Unknown said...

I imagine it'll happen when someone buys the park off of the current owner. At some point the land will become too valuable to continue being utilized as a trailer park.