Friday, August 16, 2013

Westfield Once Again One of America's Best Places to Live

Westfield has once again landed on CNN Money Magazine's list of America's Best Small Towns. In the 2013 edition of the list we are ranked first in Indiana, fifth in the Midwest and 18th in the nation.  In fact, Westfield was the only Indiana community that made the list.  You'll recall that Westfield was ranked 48th nationally on the same list in 2011.

You can bet that without such projects as the Grand Junction, Grand Park Sports Campus and the proposed Grand Towers at the intersection of 31 and 32, we wouldn't be making this list.  Of course, our excellent school system also is a major factor at play here.  Make no mistake, people and businesses take such things into account when they decide where to relocate.

Congratulations to Mayor Andy Cook, the City Council and to all the city employees for continuing to do such a great job. is the world's largest business website, CNNMoney is the online home of FORTUNE and MONEY magazines, and serves as CNN's exclusive business site.  For the full list of America’s “Best Places to Live," visit

Ken Kingshill
Westfield, Indiana                                                                                      

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